Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Yes, I weighed in, just as I said I would. And I really did put the scale in the kitchen. It was not nearly as bad as I had thought it might be. Whew! But...

Today I will toe the mark. I will put my right foot forward. I will be in tune with my body... jibber-jabber! Look, I'm 65 yr old... okay? I don't need to be thin, just healthy. So if I lose even 10 pounds and start walking 2-3 days/week PLUS my two 12 hour shifts a week... I should be fair shape. Shouldn't I?

Here is my morning weight: 171 pounds. I lost 2 lb! Was that REAL weight loss or WATER loss? At this point I don't care, I'm just thankful to see a lower number than when I started.

I'm off & running! I have a lot to catch up on around this place, inside & out. I'm going to remember to count my gifts throughout the day. It will be a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you do have a great day! You seem quite healthy already.I enjoy reading your blog.
