Monday, February 8, 2010

One Day at a Time

Early in my childhood I recall being tucked warmly in bed and hearing Mama in the kitchen. (most likely making peanut butter fudge.) In the background the radio would be playing a Hank Williams tune ... "There's a tear in my beer..." or something similar.

But as an adult, the song that I remember her singing the most is "One Day At a Time, Sweet Jesus...."

That is my motto, one day at a time.... no matter what, I can do it... one day at a time! I can work those long hard 12 hour shifts... one day at a time! I can walk this out-of-shape body for 30 minutes a day if I say to my self... one day at a time! (only 30 min. to go!) I can do ANYTHING if I take it one day at a time! I can believe in myself again, over and over, I can lose that 10 pounds. I know I can! I'll do my best and let God do the rest! That says it all. Do my best... Let God take over ... He'll do the rest.

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