Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Am So Fired Up!

God, family, then business... that's what I'm so fired up about! I can't help it. It's true!

I just spent 5 hours with a group of positive people... people who put self-improvement first. And positive affirmations are a big part of self-improvement. Have you ever ask, why DO we beat ourselves up so much? Do you know what I mean?

"The committee" I call them... you know, those voices that put us down, that call us names, that talk the negative talk all the time. Yes! Them! Sometime in our past we learned to communicate this way with our selves.

Oh, okay... so THAT is why we are so down on ourselves.... why we beat ourselves up, why we humiliate and degrade ourselves.

We wouldn't talk to a stranger... let along a best Friend... the way we talk to ourselves. And that's okay? What is wrong with this picture?

Respect, uplift, edify, embrace... accept, acknowledge, love... these are gifts we FREELY give to our best friends.

THAT'S the answer... we need to talk to ourselves as if we were talking to our own best friend. Understand?

I get it. I really do!

It goes like this: "Joyce, you are a beautiful woman. Why do you put yourself down? Why do you call yourself fat and loath your image in the mirror? I am proud of you for loosing 2 pounds no matter how long it took, and for going for a 30 min. walk yesterday! You are my very best friend and I love you! It is tough to instill new habits. Get over yourself!"

I feel better now. What a great friend I am to myself!

I'm going to write 8-10 positive affermations for myself and read them aloud every day... I am successful... I can lose 10 pounds... I love you (me)...I like you (me)... I am beautiful... I am smart... I am a leader!!!!

I am so fired up!!!

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