Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Husbands Socks

They are warm and cozy, comfortable not confining ... so good for lounging.

Not just the socks but ... his tee shirts too. I'd much rather wear his tee shirts than my own. Again, they are loose and comfortable but... here's a bonus... I feel small inside them!

Now I'm out of control because I have taken over his pj bottoms also! I'm shameless! The poor man has nothing left.

I look at my self in the mirror as I dash past it. Yes, I'm adorable, comfortable AND small!

I can't explain the love I feel when I put these items on. You know what I mean, don't you? Am I wierd?

I remember when my husband used to travel 3-4 days out of the week. I also remember how I hated being alone! I just couldn't get used to it. But when I slipped on one of his shirts... with the sent of his cologne lingering ... that helped me feel closer to him... not so alone.

This man is the love that I cherish. He makes me feel special and unforgettable. He is my rock... he accepts me unconditionally. I can lean on him. I can laugh and be silly with him because he is my best friend. There are so many things we enjoy doing together. We often reminisce about how it took us a long time to find each other... and agree that there is no other we enjoy being with more.

We fell in love on Valentine's Day.
He cooked for me and gave me a single red rose. I placed it into a empty wine bottle with water. One day I noticed that the petals had fallen off. It looked dead and I started to throw away. But I saw that it had grown long roots. So of course I planted it. Over time, we moved and I uprooted the now large rose bush and transplanted it at our new location. We moved twice before we settled in Rocklin. The rose bush was replanted each time. Every year it's roses are a deep deep red and lightly sented. I call it our Valentine Rose. I fuss over it... give it all the tender loving care it needs. It has become a symbol of the undying love that we have shared for over 10 years.

Happy Valentine's Day to all you love birds out there!


  1. Hi Sweetheart,

    Very nice. You know I feel exactly the same way about you except of course I can't get into your clothes.

    Love ya,


  2. That is so beautiful Joyce. You are both so lucky.
