Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Every Day Brings a New Gift

I had a beautiful gift yesterday...a gift of time.
I spent 1 & half hours grocery shopping with my son. The first time we've ever been grocery shopping together that I can remember. It one of those 'mom moments' that I love.

A friend of mine at the hospital recently gave me a little book to journal 'gifts' on a daily basis. She's been doing this and it has increased her awareness of the positive events occurring in her life every day... events that someone else might look at as coincidental. I was taken with the idea... hence my new journal. It goes right along with the 2010 vision board I did Dec. 2009. I had never done that before either. I enjoyed it very much. A group of us got together to make our vision boards. We brought magazines for cutting, glue, scissors... all our supplies. Now it's on the wall behind my desk. Every time I'm at my desk, I can literally SEE my goals & dreams for 2010. I love it!

My husband & I, with a new friend in our juice business, are driving to Reno in just a few hours. She has friends & family meeting us for a 'juice tasting' party. Always fun! Only 2-3 inches of snow expected so the Grape Vine should be fine to pass over. I love this juice business as we're always on the move & make lots of new friends.

WHAT has happened to my diet? That's what started this new blog idea anyway! I promise myself that I am going to weigh in tomorrow... (I just keep forgetting. Really I do!) I know! I'll set the scale in the kitchen where I'll see the ugly repulsive thing. All I can hope for at this point, is just not to see a gain... just maintaining will be okay. Wish me luck!

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