Friday, February 5, 2010

Spring Growth

From where I sit, I can see the yellow jonquils that seemed to have bloomed while I was at work yesterday... overnight. Now how did that happen?

I feel happy. The sun is bright and my spirits rise. It's a beautiful sunny morning. Is spring is almost here? I know... another month of winter yet, I can't wait!

I'm inspired by the strength and effort it takes a little bulb to push upward through the soil. It amazes me. The new green growth is delicate, how does it do it? A little bit at the time, slowly very slowly, pushing upward, ever upward.... Just doing it... doing what The creator intended it to do... to bloom and bring joy to all who see it.

There's a lesson here in persistence. My own courage, hope & faith are delicate... even fragile. I often need a little push to do my best, to keep on keeping on... to never give up! Keep on doing my thing, doing what my Creator planned for me to do. To become the best person, the best wife, the best mom & grandma that I can possible be. To give hope, joy and love to those who come into my life. My growth doesn't happen quickly. It's a process and is the work of a lifetime. Every year, every month, every day... every hour of every day, every minute & second of every hour... the process continues. Sometimes I question... the answer is always given ... Keeping on... moving forward... Never give up!

Now I'm going to pull on my jeans, slip into my tennis shoes, and go for a walk. (I need to work off the grits I had for breakfast. Help!) Have a beautiful day!

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