Saturday, January 30, 2010

Grits or Polenta: Part 2

"Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're going to get."
Forrest Gump.

I'd like to say that my life is like a pot of grits! Not instant... no
fix-quick deal here!

When I determined to go to college I had not finished high school. I was 40 'ish, a mother of two; Traci, daughter... son Robert. Despite the emotional roller coaster I was riding... divorce... college... and nursing school... I simmered like that pot of grits on the back burner... low temp, cooking slow. Moving forward VERY slow. Change is risky and SCARY and it can be a painful process. Grits requires frequent stirring to process out the tasteless lumps. Personnel growth... it's a process. I had a few lumps to process along the way. Did I say that I was determined? Still scared. Still feeling the pain. But determined. Then I met Rick (Wouldn't you like to hear his version?) Now we're cooking... sauteing onion & garlic. Adding spices! Marriage is a process too. Moving forward. He & I have often talked about the miracle of our paths crossing. And it's been one miracle after another... and another!

Somewhere along the journey my life changed from being a pot of grits to a box of chocolates! Now how did that happen?

I love this juice business ... but truthfully, when Rick brought home that first case, I said "not again!" We had just left another networking business, and... frankly, I was tired. And I just wasn't sure if I wanted to try again. But when I saw what this juice did for his knees, I became hopeful that it would help me with my sleep issues. It did! And gave me more energy! Give it one more try! Keep dreaming! Then I became hopeful for our children. I became hopeful for all my friends. I'm more hopeful for our financial future. I see Rick working hard and I watch our business grow. Whoever said this business was easy? But we know that persistence pays off. Dreaming BIG! Going deep! We are working the plan to bring about my retirement from nursing. I look forward to being full-time juice partner before Christmas 2010! Keeping on! We won't give up! 3 feet from gold!

Diet? It's a juice diet baby!

P.S. I've been confined to the house with a cold for 3 days. I usually don't have time to cook grits. I need to go back to work!

Grits or polenta

How many know what grits are?

You've heard of hominy, right? They are a coarsely ground corn kernels. Not very fancy. They go through a special process which involves a lye soaking then a washing to remove the hulls before the grinding can happen. It's a process. And it's not a quick fix dish but takes 20 - 40 min. to cook. To borrow a line from the movie My Cousin Vinney... 'No self-respecting southern cook uses instant grits!' And we call it 'grits'... not mush. You can go into any state south of the Mason-Dixon line (which exists somewhere between Maryland and Pennsylvania) and ask for grits. Everybody knows what grits is! (or 'a grit' as Rick likes to call it.) I was born & raised in N. Carolina where grits was on the breakfast table almost every morning. We were especially fond of grits with butter & cheese melted & stirred through-out. Since moving to CA I've upgraded my grits by adding hot peppers, sauteed onions & garlic. Sometimes I add white beans or lentils to the sauteed onions & garlic and then spoon the whole mess over my grits! Mercy me! That is good eating!

Polenta, on the other hand, is a finer ground version of the corn kernels. More classy. More refined. Just as tasty. And no one says 'A what?" when you say polenta. Polenta is an important component in Italian cooking. It can stand alone as the main dish or be supportive as a side dish.

You may ask 'Why is Joyce writing about grits & polenta?' If you walk with me on my journey on my next post you will find out where all this corn talk is going. Til then...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What happened to the diet?

I had such a great Fri. on the bus with 47 other people driving from Roseville to Anaheim! I can think of more comfortable ways to travel, but I can't think of any other people I would have rather traveled with than my Monavie family! (I know that sounds Corny but that's how I feel.) Sat. was a day full of meetings packed with information on our newest product... (our immune system booster juice), inspirational talks & sharing of hopes & dreams,and giving of our selves & our means to the people of Haiti. Not to brag, but we gave $64,000.00! Our bus didn't roll us into Sac until 3 am Sun morning! Mercy! Us older folks could hardly unfold our bodies let alone walk off the bus!

Diet! What diet?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week-end Out of Town Dieting

We're piling onto a bus with a LOT of other people at 7 AM Friday! Ouch! I'm excited about it despite the cramped space. I've got a good book I started a few days ago (It's Only a Mountain) So that will keep me busy when I'm not chatting! We're going to LA for a Monavie convention and will be a lot of fun friends. We'll be back late Sat. night. So how will I stay on my diet? I'm not sure I will be able to journel. I think I will try to. Plan to choose food wisely, and have water always available. If anyone is reading this and have a helpful comment let me hear it. So I will blog next on Sunday. Wish me well.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dieting in the Work Setting

Today was my first day back to work since I started my 2010 diet. It wasn't perfect but it wasn't too bad. I planned ahead fairly well... packing my meals & snacks. I admit that I deviated a little but stayed within my cal. range.. It's been a long day and I'm glad it's done. Now it's time to unwind with a small froz. yogurt & my husband!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day two: I am thin!

I am trying to project a positive attitude, okay?
I found out yesterday that there are two important steps I had not mentioned which I feel I must do. #1 journal my food intake & #2 counting calories. Otherwise I will not be the honest person I need to be. Trust me, I know!
Yesterday was a good diet day. I stayed under my 1300 cal limit and almost all my choices were good. (yes, I counted the calories of that 1 glass of wine with dinner!)
I'm looking forward to today's journey. I feel just a little more comfortable (thinner)around my middle. I had fun (really, I did) looking through old magazines. Great recipes! I've tried quite a few and have had very happy results. I never throw anything away without a struggle. Those 2008 editions of Something Extra from Bel Air came in handy. And its not just the recipes that are good.
Gotta go. I don't know if anyone reads this other than me, but I'm having fun and I'm finding this is extremely motivating. Lets go into a blessed rainy day!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Well today was the big weigh-in (emphasis on BIG). Since I have made a commitment to the loss of 15 lbs I feel that I also must give a honest starting weight (emphasis on HONEST)My pre-coffee & pre-juice weight is 173 ibs. Mercy me! I'm not totally surprised, just disappointed that I have gained back all the weight that I had lost in 2009. Enough self loathing... I am going to just do it! But HOW I ask? I'm done with going to Weight Watchers,(even though I hold a life-time membership), I did the Atkin's Diet, Nutra System too...... I even did the Cabbage Soup Diet and turned the girls on to it at my dentist office! They all work! I lost weight! But now ( Jan. 18, 2010 I'm right back at the weight... plus some, that I started at! So I am going to try again but what do I need to do differently?? I want to stay away from artificial sweetners, I want to include some fats, some carbs and some protein. I want to use portion control,(now that's a big deal since I have a big appetite). I want to eat 4-5 small meals as I know that keeps the monster appetite in submission. There's my guide lines for my weight loss journey 2010. But more than that, I'd like to keep the excess weight off. So wish me well, join me if you want, and off I go to a slimmer, more healthy me. (Yes, my husband is going on this journey with me!) And so it begins!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

This is the first day of the rest of my life. Tomorrow the dreaded plan is put into action... I need, I WILL lose 15 pounds by the end of March! (one more time!)