Monday, February 22, 2010

Dust, cobwebs, and Clutter

My name is Joyce. I am a clutter-bug.

I stood in my garage and looked around. "I need to get RID of so much stuff!" I thought. I HAVE gotten rid of stuff before. How did it get back in here?

To ensure my success, I ask my friend Betsy, to help me. It was overwhelming... I have stuff in there that is 35-45 years old. Any mother would understand... that precious little pair of over-rauls my daughter wore when she was 1 year old (she is now 47), that little red cow-boy hat that has lost all it's shape, which my son wore constantly when he was 2-3 years old (he is now 35).

I was immobilized... not knowing where to begin. I felt like I had cobwebs in my brain. I couldn't think. As Betsy opened trunks with old clothing & memories ... I felt drained... wiped out! Thank goodness I had the foresight to pull out a couple of lawn chairs because I soon found myself sinking into one. My body felt strange and heavy. When I opened my eyes, Betsy was pushing bottled water at me. "Hydrate!" she said. (She had warned me... "If you ask me to help, I WILL help!") And she WAS helping! I needed help!

What saved me ... we made a box for my son with his keepsakes & one for my daughter with her keepsakes. Now THEY will decide what they'd like to keep... That took the pressure off. (Of course we made a box for me too.)

"Do you really think you'll EVER wear this 35 yr old dress again?" Betsy asked. Into the Goodwill box the dress went. She laughed as she reached deep into a dusty box and pulled out a stack of 8 year old Sunset Magazines. "I don't need these now," I said and into the dumpster they went. (Although... now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if I should've at least looked at the pictures for my 2011 dream board? It's not too late... Betsy will never know!)

We sat in our chairs and thumbed through some old cookbooks which belonged to my Mom. The Home Menu Cook Book by Myrtle Calkins, (I love that name!) copyright 1934... a good example. The pictures alone were priceless! For once, Betsy & I agreed... we should get together & try some of the recipes.

There was no stopping that girl... relentless! But when she held up ..."Oh my goodness!" I screamed, "That is my original Dick and Jane reader!" I felt like I had found an old friend! "What ever will you do with this?" she asked. I grabbed my water bottle... hydrate!

The process of sorting... decluttering... discarding...

Raised by Depression-era parents, I was imbued with a "Save Everything" philosophy. So, this garage cleaning could take a very long time! Progress WAS made today, really,it was. But there's a long way to go!

Before she left, Betsy said, "Make paths... seperate what we've done, we'll do this one day a week until it's done!"

Clearing out what is no longer relevant to my life opens the way ... allows me to look at ALL parts of my life. I can see that what matters most to me is NOW... not the past.

"All those memories of things past can be a real deterrent to moving forward." -Ciji Ware. "If you're not moving forward, you're standing still." -unknown

Happy spring cleaning! Keep moving forward!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Foot in Front of the Other

I did it! I walked 3 mornings this week! It was hard... don't laugh. I haven't walked in months and every single muscle in my body felt it. It almost felt like it was the first time. I'm not kidding! I got shin splints yesterday... still a little sore today. I was pounding that pavement!

It's back to work tomorrow... those 12 hr. shifts are calling me... Yeah! LOL

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I just had lunch with 10 beautiful positive ladies who's hearts are filled with hopes and dreams. We talked about plans and goals, we ate too much, we laughed a lot and shared the happenings of our lives with each other.

Never let anyone steal your dreams from you. We're never too old to dream. Sometimes when life happens and gets in the way, we forget how to dream. Or we let the events in our lives make us forget our dreams.

I've been relearning about the power of association. We are the reflexion of the people we spend our time with. I feel blessed to have these ladies in my life. There is a lot of power in relationships. I am thankful and honored to have a positive and joyful sisterhood with my fellow business women of Monavie.

I recently finished reading "Three Feet From Gold" by Greg Reid and Sharon Leehter. This book encourages us to discover personal success and to never give up. I highly recommend this book if you haven't already read it.

Dream big ... don't wait ... and don't let anyone steal your dreams!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Husbands Socks

They are warm and cozy, comfortable not confining ... so good for lounging.

Not just the socks but ... his tee shirts too. I'd much rather wear his tee shirts than my own. Again, they are loose and comfortable but... here's a bonus... I feel small inside them!

Now I'm out of control because I have taken over his pj bottoms also! I'm shameless! The poor man has nothing left.

I look at my self in the mirror as I dash past it. Yes, I'm adorable, comfortable AND small!

I can't explain the love I feel when I put these items on. You know what I mean, don't you? Am I wierd?

I remember when my husband used to travel 3-4 days out of the week. I also remember how I hated being alone! I just couldn't get used to it. But when I slipped on one of his shirts... with the sent of his cologne lingering ... that helped me feel closer to him... not so alone.

This man is the love that I cherish. He makes me feel special and unforgettable. He is my rock... he accepts me unconditionally. I can lean on him. I can laugh and be silly with him because he is my best friend. There are so many things we enjoy doing together. We often reminisce about how it took us a long time to find each other... and agree that there is no other we enjoy being with more.

We fell in love on Valentine's Day.
He cooked for me and gave me a single red rose. I placed it into a empty wine bottle with water. One day I noticed that the petals had fallen off. It looked dead and I started to throw away. But I saw that it had grown long roots. So of course I planted it. Over time, we moved and I uprooted the now large rose bush and transplanted it at our new location. We moved twice before we settled in Rocklin. The rose bush was replanted each time. Every year it's roses are a deep deep red and lightly sented. I call it our Valentine Rose. I fuss over it... give it all the tender loving care it needs. It has become a symbol of the undying love that we have shared for over 10 years.

Happy Valentine's Day to all you love birds out there!

Monday, February 8, 2010

One Day at a Time

Early in my childhood I recall being tucked warmly in bed and hearing Mama in the kitchen. (most likely making peanut butter fudge.) In the background the radio would be playing a Hank Williams tune ... "There's a tear in my beer..." or something similar.

But as an adult, the song that I remember her singing the most is "One Day At a Time, Sweet Jesus...."

That is my motto, one day at a time.... no matter what, I can do it... one day at a time! I can work those long hard 12 hour shifts... one day at a time! I can walk this out-of-shape body for 30 minutes a day if I say to my self... one day at a time! (only 30 min. to go!) I can do ANYTHING if I take it one day at a time! I can believe in myself again, over and over, I can lose that 10 pounds. I know I can! I'll do my best and let God do the rest! That says it all. Do my best... Let God take over ... He'll do the rest.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Am So Fired Up!

God, family, then business... that's what I'm so fired up about! I can't help it. It's true!

I just spent 5 hours with a group of positive people... people who put self-improvement first. And positive affirmations are a big part of self-improvement. Have you ever ask, why DO we beat ourselves up so much? Do you know what I mean?

"The committee" I call them... you know, those voices that put us down, that call us names, that talk the negative talk all the time. Yes! Them! Sometime in our past we learned to communicate this way with our selves.

Oh, okay... so THAT is why we are so down on ourselves.... why we beat ourselves up, why we humiliate and degrade ourselves.

We wouldn't talk to a stranger... let along a best Friend... the way we talk to ourselves. And that's okay? What is wrong with this picture?

Respect, uplift, edify, embrace... accept, acknowledge, love... these are gifts we FREELY give to our best friends.

THAT'S the answer... we need to talk to ourselves as if we were talking to our own best friend. Understand?

I get it. I really do!

It goes like this: "Joyce, you are a beautiful woman. Why do you put yourself down? Why do you call yourself fat and loath your image in the mirror? I am proud of you for loosing 2 pounds no matter how long it took, and for going for a 30 min. walk yesterday! You are my very best friend and I love you! It is tough to instill new habits. Get over yourself!"

I feel better now. What a great friend I am to myself!

I'm going to write 8-10 positive affermations for myself and read them aloud every day... I am successful... I can lose 10 pounds... I love you (me)...I like you (me)... I am beautiful... I am smart... I am a leader!!!!

I am so fired up!!!

It's a Process

It's a process... growing... developing confidence... having courage to change, to step outside one's comfort zone... a life-long process.

My husband & I got up this morning at 7 o'clock. Yes! And on a Saturday morning. WHY did we do such a awful, unthinkable thing? Because we drove from Rocklin to Isleton to watch our 9 year old grandson, Will, play basketball. It took us over an hour to drive the distance... the game lasted less than an hour. Will played in center position... made some key baskets... needed reminding to stay in the paint but nevertheless, showed promise with his blocking technique... amazing growth in his ability to focus and concentrate. It was extremely interesting to watch... I was very proud of him!

Will is developing confidence and skills. At this stage, he is not aware of his potential. It becomes clear during the process of living. As long as he has the courage to risk failure or success... to test his strength and skills no matter how uncomfortable. And for Will and others his age, the basketball court is the classroom to learn the lessons to aide him in playing the game of life... team spirit... courage... taking risk... being the best he can be.

Living life becomes the game.

What an awesome... what an exciting time for Will!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Spring Growth

From where I sit, I can see the yellow jonquils that seemed to have bloomed while I was at work yesterday... overnight. Now how did that happen?

I feel happy. The sun is bright and my spirits rise. It's a beautiful sunny morning. Is spring is almost here? I know... another month of winter yet, I can't wait!

I'm inspired by the strength and effort it takes a little bulb to push upward through the soil. It amazes me. The new green growth is delicate, how does it do it? A little bit at the time, slowly very slowly, pushing upward, ever upward.... Just doing it... doing what The creator intended it to do... to bloom and bring joy to all who see it.

There's a lesson here in persistence. My own courage, hope & faith are delicate... even fragile. I often need a little push to do my best, to keep on keeping on... to never give up! Keep on doing my thing, doing what my Creator planned for me to do. To become the best person, the best wife, the best mom & grandma that I can possible be. To give hope, joy and love to those who come into my life. My growth doesn't happen quickly. It's a process and is the work of a lifetime. Every year, every month, every day... every hour of every day, every minute & second of every hour... the process continues. Sometimes I question... the answer is always given ... Keeping on... moving forward... Never give up!

Now I'm going to pull on my jeans, slip into my tennis shoes, and go for a walk. (I need to work off the grits I had for breakfast. Help!) Have a beautiful day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Yes, I weighed in, just as I said I would. And I really did put the scale in the kitchen. It was not nearly as bad as I had thought it might be. Whew! But...

Today I will toe the mark. I will put my right foot forward. I will be in tune with my body... jibber-jabber! Look, I'm 65 yr old... okay? I don't need to be thin, just healthy. So if I lose even 10 pounds and start walking 2-3 days/week PLUS my two 12 hour shifts a week... I should be fair shape. Shouldn't I?

Here is my morning weight: 171 pounds. I lost 2 lb! Was that REAL weight loss or WATER loss? At this point I don't care, I'm just thankful to see a lower number than when I started.

I'm off & running! I have a lot to catch up on around this place, inside & out. I'm going to remember to count my gifts throughout the day. It will be a great day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

correction of prior posting

I am beside myself! The Grape Vine Pass in NOT where we were today. The Donner Pass is more correct for a drive to Reno... So sorry!

Every Day Brings a New Gift

I had a beautiful gift yesterday...a gift of time.
I spent 1 & half hours grocery shopping with my son. The first time we've ever been grocery shopping together that I can remember. It one of those 'mom moments' that I love.

A friend of mine at the hospital recently gave me a little book to journal 'gifts' on a daily basis. She's been doing this and it has increased her awareness of the positive events occurring in her life every day... events that someone else might look at as coincidental. I was taken with the idea... hence my new journal. It goes right along with the 2010 vision board I did Dec. 2009. I had never done that before either. I enjoyed it very much. A group of us got together to make our vision boards. We brought magazines for cutting, glue, scissors... all our supplies. Now it's on the wall behind my desk. Every time I'm at my desk, I can literally SEE my goals & dreams for 2010. I love it!

My husband & I, with a new friend in our juice business, are driving to Reno in just a few hours. She has friends & family meeting us for a 'juice tasting' party. Always fun! Only 2-3 inches of snow expected so the Grape Vine should be fine to pass over. I love this juice business as we're always on the move & make lots of new friends.

WHAT has happened to my diet? That's what started this new blog idea anyway! I promise myself that I am going to weigh in tomorrow... (I just keep forgetting. Really I do!) I know! I'll set the scale in the kitchen where I'll see the ugly repulsive thing. All I can hope for at this point, is just not to see a gain... just maintaining will be okay. Wish me luck!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Cat is Not Just a Cat

It's often been said that a cat is man's best friend. Oh, I know that's not correct. But then, you don't know Remax... our cat.

Remax came to us about 5 yrs ago. He had been dropped off in my son's neighborhood. And since he had 3 dogs at that time, it was not an ideal situation for a little kitty cat. When his wife called to ask if we could take in this adorable, precious, tiny kitten our response was... an emphatic NO! The reason being... 2 years prior we had put down my husband's dog, a huge black & tan Rottweiler. Also, that same year I lost one cat to cancer and I had to put my 18 year old cat to sleep. It had been rough. My heart couldn't take in anymore furry friends. It just couldn't! And Rick just didn't feel ready to open his heart just yet. Too soon! So our answer was .... NO! NO!
The next day they brought the kitten to our house... (there's just no respect! You know what I mean?) Well, can you guess what that tiny little kitten did? He had the nerve to climb up onto Rick's broad chest and promptly went to sleep. I couldn't believe it! Somehow he didn't get the message that we didn't want him! From that moment Remax has us wrapped around his tail. He owns us!
I worked at the hospital yesterday, so I appreciated being in my home this morning. I sat in front of the fireplace with my coffee and lap top... and here HE came. He wanted, (demanded) to be brushed. He's the only cat I've ever had that loves to be groomed.
I really don't know who enjoys it the most. It's relaxing for me. I can't put words in his mouth (so to speak) but I'd say 'it's the cat's meow' by the way he purrs!
God has provided a great blessing for me & Rick in the form of our 'fur-son' as Rick affectionately calls Remax. (don't ever let Rick know that I told you that... that I 'let the cat out of the bag')
Maybe these furry ones are angels in disguise. I think they can very well be.
Remax has always been a 'talker' If you have ever owned a cat you know there are some who do talk. He's special that way. Yes, God knew what he was doing when he brought Remax into our lives. He was just what we needed to make our home complete.
I'm filled with gratitude this morning... that I can enjoy this sunny morning at home... that from where I sit I can see the tiny Gold Finches at the seed socks I filled for them, and that Remax & I share this special time by the fire before I begin my busy day.
If you need some extra lovings, then you may have a home that needs a special fur-angel. Think about it.
I wish all a blessed day!